Avertizari vremea, Morumshällarna

High waves

16.11 3:00 p.m. 15:00 – 16.11 9:00 p.m. 21:00

Orange wave height warning: Gulf of Finland, Sat 17.00 - 23.00 Wave height warning: In Saturday evening, probability for very rough waves is 30%. The significant wave height may exceed 4 meters.

FMI Open Data


16.11 6:00 a.m. 06:00 – 17.11 6:00 p.m. 18:00

Yellow wind warning for sea area: Gulf of Finland and Northern Baltic, Sat 8.00 - Sun 20.00 Wind warning for sea areas: From Saturday morning to Sunday evening, probability for west to southwest gale-force winds is 30%.

FMI Open Data

Următoarele 24 de ore

Vremea în lume astăzi

Cel mai cald și cel mai frig

Min Max

Vremea Mea


Vremea pentru Porvoo