Avertizari vremea, Dykstra Number 6 Dam

Fire danger

13.03 6:00 p.m. 18:00 – 14.03 1:00 a.m. 01:00

Red Flag Warning issued March 13 at 3:45AM CDT until March 13 at 8:00PM CDT by NWS Aberdeen SD * AFFECTED AREA...In South Dakota, Stanley, Sully, Hughes, Hyde, Hand, Jones, Lyman and Buffalo. * WINDS...Southwest 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 18 percent. * IMPACTS...Any fires that ignite will spread rapidly and become difficult to control or suppress. A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior.

National Weather Service

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Vremea pentru Dakota de Sud